

Terms of Use (EN)

  • The information on Art Therapy Brussels is not intended to be your medical advice nor mental health assistance. If you have an emergency medical condition, contact your local emergency room immediately.

  • Communication sent through Art Therapy Brussels do not create and constitute a client-therapist relationship.

  • Art Therapy Brussels does not guarantee results and outcomes of your therapy as it varies depending on how you implement and integrate what you learn from your sessions.

  • Art Therapy Brussels does not guarantee that the website is free of viruses.

  • Art Therapy Brussels is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use by you or any user. 

  • Art Therapy Brussels is not responsible for any off-site content. Art Therapy Brussels encourages you to confirm information founded on other sites through reliable resources.

  • Visitors can download and print website content for non-commercial use only.

  • By accessing and using Art Therapy Brussels, you agree to the terms and conditions. Please contact Art Therapy Brussels if you have any question.

網站使用條款 (繁體中文)

  • Art Therapy Brussels提供內文並非醫療用途也非心理健康的協助。如果你或你認識的人正面對著立即的危險,請撥打當地的緊急電話或立刻前往最近的急診室。

  • 透過Art Therapy Brussels站所送出的各種通訊資料並不為成立個案和藝術治療師關係之依據。

  • Art Therapy Brussel不保證藝術治療以及心理諮商之成效。藝術治療以及心理諮商的結果取決於個案如自身何應用於整合在其生活當中。

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    网站使用条款 (简体中文)

  • Art Therapy Brussels提供内文并非医疗用途也非心理健康的协助。如果你或你认识的人正面对着立即的危险,请拨打当地的紧急电话或立刻前往最近的急诊室。

  • 用Art Therapy Brussels,即代表您确认及接受网站的使用承担风险。对于任何因使用、登入或无法使用本网站而产生的直接、间接、附带、后果性或惩罚性的损害或有关利润或收益损失的损害赔偿,Art Therapy Brussels一概不承担任何责任。

  • Art Therapy Brussel站并不保证本网站无病毒。

  • Art Therapy Brussel不负责其他网站的网站内容。

  • Art Therapy Brussel的访客可下载且複印本网站提供之内容做参考,仅供非商业用途。

  • 您一旦登入及使用Art Therapy Brussels,即代表您确认及接受网站的使用承担风险。对于任何因使用、登入或无法使用本网站而产生的直接、间接、附带、后果性或惩罚性的损害或有关利润或收益损失的损害赔偿,Art Therapy Brussels一概不承担任何责任。